National AIDS Centre Agency of the Ministry of Health (NAC)

The National AIDS Centre (NAC) is the agency of the Ministry of Health of Poland that operates on the grounds of the Regulation of the Minister of Health. The objectives of the centre are to implement prevention and education activities in the area of HIV/AIDS, to elaborate principles and standards of diagnostics and therapy, and to coordinate activities of health care facilities that provide health services to PLHIV.
Key staff: M.Sc. EMBA Piotr Wysocki: Chief specialist and Head of the International Collaboration Unit with extensive experience in public health and HIV/AIDS. M.Sc. Iwona Wawer: Specialist of the International Collaboration Unit with experience in public health and HIV/AIDS. Anna Marzec-Bogusławska: Director with expertise in epidemiology and public health. Experienced in supervision of the implementation of the EU programmes including Joint Action from the viewpoint of realization of the National Programme for Preventing HIV Infections and Combating AIDS in Poland