Center for Epidemiological Studies on HIV / AIDS in Catalonia (CEEISCAT-IGTP)

The Center for Epidemiological Studies on HIV / AIDS in Catalonia (CEEISCAT-IGTP) was created in 1994 as a technical support body for the Department of Health (DS) regarding the prevention and control of HIV / AIDS and starting of 2006 also of the Sexually Transmitted Infections (ITS), going to be called Center for Epidemiological Studies on Sexually Transmitted Infections and AIDS of Catalonia (CEEISCAT) (DOGC No. 4770, p.50380, of 28.11.2006 ).
CEEISCAT is a service of the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) Badalona with a component of programmatic activity and another applied research. In the first case, CEEISCAT acts as a reference body responsible for the monitoring and evaluation of ITS / HIV / AIDS in functional dependence of the Public Health Agency of Catalonia (ASPC) (Department of Health) and in the second it performs the Its research activity as a center of excellence in ITS / HIV / AIDS epidemiology within the framework of the Germans Trias i Pujol Biomedical Research Institute (IGTP) and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
The epidemiological surveillance on HIV / AIDS carried out by CEEISCAT is based on three fundamental axes: the monitoring of parameters of morbidity and mortality, the monitoring of behaviors related to the acquisition of HIV and STI and the monitoring of the diagnosis of HIV. These formal systems are complemented by various observational studies that help to know the state of the epidemic and its determinants in Catalonia. The information is collected and analyzed through the Integrated Epidemiological Surveillance System on ITS / HIV / AIDS in Catalonia (SIVES), which is published in the form of an epidemiological report every two years. The center's research includes the study of the natural history of HIV, the determinants of transmission, the design and evaluation of preventive interventions.
CEEISCAT is a collaborating center of UNAIDS, a consolidated research group of the AGAUR and, in conjunction with the microbiology laboratory of the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital and the AIDS and Society Foundation, forms a nodus in the CIBER d 'Epidemiology and public health (CIBERESP) in which it coordinates the Determinants Program for the Propagation of Communicable Diseases and the Subprogramme of Health and Immigration.
Key staff: Dr. Jordi Casabona: MD, MPH, PhD in Preventive Medicine: Scientific Director, principal Investigator of HIV - COBATEST Project and HIV EDAT. Dr. Laura Fernadez-Lopez PhD, Degree in Biology, PhD in Genetics: Epidemiologist. Dr.Crisitna Agusti MSC PhD: Degree in Biology, Master in Experimental Biology, PhD in Health and Life Sciences, Master in International Cooperation, Epidemiologist. Dr. Juliana Reyes-Urueña: MD, MSc, MPH. Infectious Diseases Epidemiologist specialized in Public health and Preventive Medicine, Master in tropical medicine and international. Dr. Nuria Vives: MD, MPH. Epidemiologist specialized in Public health and Preventive Medicine. Alexandra Montoliu: Biostatistician with MSc in Statistics and Operations.