Instituto de salud pública y laboral de Navarra (ISPLN)

ISPLN provides technical care at the regional level, specializing in the field of health promotion and surveillance, prevention and intervention on collective health problems, including programs on HIV, HCV, STI, and TB.
Key staff: Dr. Jesús Castilla, MD, MPH, PhD: Head of Epidemiological and Research; responsible for HIV, HCV, STI and TB surveillance at regional level. Dr. Itziar Casado, MD, MPH: Medical epidemiologist working in surveillance and research. Mr. Iván Martínez-Baz: Bioestatistician. Dr. Ramón San Miguel, PhD: experienced in treating HIV and HCV patients. Mrs. Regina Juanbeltz, works in the hospital pharmacy in the program for treatment of HIV and HCV. Dr. María Rivero MD, PhD: Medical doctor in the service of Infectious Diseases. Dr. Carmen Ezpeleta MD, PhD: Head of the Clinical Microbiology Service.