Institute of Public Health of Serbia "Dr Milan Jovanovic Batut (IPH)

IPH is an expert institution for Public Health, which provides advice, support and guidance for the Serbian government and all departments for public health as well as conducts independent research on issues related to public health in Serbia.
Key staff: Danijela Simic, MD: Epidemiologist, Head of Department for HIV, STIs, Viral Hepatitis, and TB with extensive experience in the epidemiological surveillance. Sladjana Baros, anthropologist, MPH, PhD candidate in PH: Associate for M&E of National HIV Response, with 10 years of extensive experience in monitoring, (bio)behavioral surveillance surveys and HIV research. Maja Stosic, MD, MPH, PhD candidate in PH: TB Program Coordinator with 6 years of extensive experience in TB program management, monitoring and evaluation, surveillance, and TB research.