Centre for Communicable Diseases and AIDS (ULAC)

ULAC is a governmental institution subordinated to the Ministry of Health. Competencies: national epidemiological surveillance, control and management of the communicable diseases, immunoprophylaxis, informal education, coordination and monitoring of the harm reduction sites all over Lithuania.
Key staff: Prof. Dr. Saulius Caplinskas, Ph.D. degree in Medicine: Dir. of Centre for Communicable Diseases and AIDS; Prof. of the Social Technologies Faculty at Mykolas Romeris University, Coordinator of the National AIDS Programme. Dr. Irma Caplinskiene: Medical doctor, head of the HIV/AIDS/STI and Hepatitis Division. Dr. Rasa Liausediene, Hygiene Doctor: Deputy Director, EU Early Warning Response System contact. Kestutis Krivickas, Graduate of Economics: Deputy Director of the Centre for Communicable Diseases and AIDS.